Commercial Steel Wire and Strand Products Manufacturer

Bekaert is the leading independent manufacturer of commercial steel and wire products in North America. We have full control over our manufacturing process to ensure we produce every order to your exact specifications. At Bekaert, we're proud to serve as the most reputable supplier for steel wire products in various industries.

Power & Utilities Product Overview

Ensure the stability of your free-standing structures with Bekaert steel guy wires and static strands. Applications include power and telecommunication lines, railway signals, towers, masts and wind turbines.

Guy Wire
Guy Wire

OHGW strands are installed at the highest point of a power distribution line, above any phase conductors, to shield transmitting cables from lightning strikes and direct dangerous voltages from severe weather to secured grounding systems.

Static Shield (OHGW)
Static Shield (OHGW)

Messenger wires and strands are installed to support telecommunication cables for longer-span overhead and short span internal applications.

Messenger Wire
Messenger Wire

Bekaert’s wires or strands for ACSR conductors are made from galvanized, high carbon, steel wire. They are suitable for reinforcing overhead power conductors.


Used to secure or lash messenger wire and fiber optic cable together. Bekaert offers six coils of lashing wire per box for convenient ordering.

Lashing Wire
Lashing Wire

Bekaert premium utility stapes for the utility market have been optimized to secure ground wire and other stranded products.

Utility Staples
Utility Staples

Aluminum conductor steel supported (ACSS) is the most widely used type of conductor for reconductoring

ACSS Core Wire
ACSS Core Wire

Guy Grip Dead-Ends are used to securely attach steel wire Guy Strands to a variety of ground anchors. They are designed for ease of installation and require no tools to assemble.

Grip Wire
Grip Wire

Working With the Market Leader in Steel Wire and Strand Manufacturing

With our flexible manufacturing processes and facilities, we can create the power steel and wire products your company needs. Request steel wire solutions that meet specifications like shape, composition or mechanical characteristic. Bekaert also adheres to specifications like wires per strand, breaking strength and coating preferences.

Our team is committed to your company's safety, success and sustainability. That's why we create a partnership with each of our clients. You can benefit from our 140 years of experience in the industry as well as high-quality products at competitive prices. Our fast lead and delivery times ensure you get the steel wire products you need to complete your projects as soon as possible.

Additional advantages of partnering with Bekaert include our stellar customer service and support. The experts on our team can offer top-notch advice and technical expertise. Tell us about your operations, and we'll provide all the support you need. Experience the best customer service in the industry when you choose Bekaert as your steel wire product manufacturer.

Request a Quote Today

Request a quote for commercial steel and wire products from Bekaert today.